Marilyn Dayana Oviedo Villarreal, Representante legal

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Professional Experience

Obtained a Law-Degree at the age of 22-years old in 2007. Moved from Mérida to Caracas, started working as legal assistant at SNC in 2009. Since 2011, Mrs. Oviedo is attending a Master on International Private and compared Law at a Venezuelan University. She has worked in different fields, within SNC, and in collaboration with other Law offices.


  • 2007. Law Degree. Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.
  • 2013 Summer-post-graduate course on International Private Law, International Law Academy of the Hague (The Peace Palace), The Netherlands.
  • 2011 - PRESENT. Attending a Master on International Private Law. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Current phase: thesis.
  • Language: Spanish, English, and currently studying French.


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