María Gabriela Sarmiento, co-fundadora

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Professional Experience

She has taught commercial arbitration at the Universidad José Maria Vargas in Caracas. Her articles focus on the legal aspects of electronic commerce. She is the co-founder and Senior Partner of Sarmiento Núñez Consulting (SNC). Between 1998 and 2004 Mrs. Sarmiento was based in Geneva providing services to a number of United Nations agencies. She oversaw implementations in field-missions to Africa, Asia and South-America. She currently works as consultant and lives between Switzerland and Venezuela. English, French, Italian, German (B2-C1 level), and Spanish.


  • - 2003 Post-graduate Course on International Trade Law from the ILO International Training Centre & Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei, Turin, Italy
  • - 1998 Master's Degree on International Trade Law from the Université de Bourgogne, France
  • - 1996 Law Degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela


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